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[389985]  Show Record 

Promoting health in the human environment : a review based on the technical discussions held during the twenty-seventh world health assembly 1974 / Karl Evang ; edited by Evelyn E. Meyer. - Geneva : WHO, . - 69 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Saúde Pública | Promoção | Política | Congresso
CDU: 614
Cota: M-20/4|IHMT
[392247]  Show Record 

Promoting health in the human environment : a review based on the technical discussions held during the twenty-seventh world health assembly 1974 / Karl Evang ; edited by Evelyn E. Meyer. - Geneva : WHO, . - 69 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Saúde Pública | Promoção | Política | Congresso
CDU: 614
Cota: M-20/4|IHMT
[456306]  Show Record 

Promoting health in the human environment : a review based on the technical discussions held during the twenty-seventh world health assembly : 1974 / Karl Evang... [et al] ; [edited by] Evelyn E. Meyer. - Geneva : WHO, . - 69 p. ; 24 cm
Descritores: Saúde Pública | Promoção | Política | Congresso
CDU: 614
Cota: M-20/4|IHMT
